At the Mexico City meeting the Commission Standards Review and Interpretations Committee (SRIC) approved revisions to the CALEA Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies Manual (version 6.6), Communications Manual (version 2.27), Training Academy Manual (version 2.17) and the CALEA Guide to Successful Accreditation Management (version 1.2). Changes were published in these manuals powered by PowerDMS.
Law Enforcement
Standard Revised: 71.3.1 Procedures
Standard Deleted: 3.4.5 New Hire Evaluations
Training Academy
Administrative updates*
Guide to Successful Accreditation Management
Administrative updates*
*All Standard Manuals and the CALEA Guide to Successful Accreditation Management Manual received administrative changes to update hyperlinks and remove standard numbers not in use. Standard numbers previously not in use have been deleted. These updates will not affect the standards or process, but will create a new version of the manual that will need to be published. If you have any questions please contact your Regional Program Manager.