The CALEA Advanced Law Enforcement Accreditation Program provides agencies an opportunity to go beyond the implementation of basic best practices. Advanced Law Enforcement Accreditation is available for agencies having enough human and fiscal resources to consistently exceed basic service delivery. Advanced accreditation provides agencies additional means to verify accountability to those expecting and relying upon the highest level of public safety services.
Advanced Law Enforcement Accreditation utilizes additional standards to further validate an agency’s ongoing commitment to attaining the highest level of professionalism possible. These advanced standards can also provide agencies additional reductions in exposure to risks associated with civil liability. Advanced standards are included in all 36 chapters of the Law Enforcement standards manual and are considered an extension of the level one (LE-1) accreditation program. The following information provides an overview of the additional content in the Advanced Accreditation Law Enforcement Accreditation program:
1. Chapter 1 - Law Enforcement Agency Role has four additional standards covering participation in Criminal Justice Diversion Programs, procedures to ensure compliance with consular notification and access when dealing with foreign nationals, alternatives to arrest, and use of officer’s discretion.
2. Chapter 2 – Agency Jurisdiction and Mutual Aid is not included in the basic accreditation program and consists of four standards. These standards define the agency’s geographic boundaries and situations where interagency agreements specify the responsibilities for areas of concurrent jurisdiction. Standards pertaining to written mutual aid agreements and requesting assistance from the National Guard or federal law enforcement agencies are also included in this chapter.
3. Chapter 3 – Contractual Agreements for Law Enforcement Services requires an additional standard stipulating employment right for personnel assigned under a written agreement for law enforcement services.
4. Chapter 4 – Use of Force includes an additional standard requiring the annual review of assaults on law enforcement officers to determine trends or patterns indicating a need to enhance officer safety, revise policy, or address training issues. A standard describing important regulations for the safe use of agency firearms ranges is also included in this chapter.
5. Chapter 11 – Organization and Administration includes several advanced standards including those related to direct command of agency components, supervisory accountability, police action death investigations, administrative reporting, agency forms accountability, accreditation maintenance, computer software policy, electronic data storage, and temporary or rotating assignments.
6. Chapter 12 – Direction provides advanced standards requiring establishment of clear procedures for communication, coordination, and cooperation among all agency functions and personnel.
7. Chapter 15 – Planning and Research requires additional standards for larger agencies to describe the activities of the planning and research function and to designate the operational and organizational placement of the function to ensure ready access to the chief executive officer. Advanced standards related to an agency multiyear plan, succession planning, and systems for evaluating goals and objectives provide additional mechanisms to support effective management.
8. Chapter 17 – Fiscal Management and Agency Property includes additional advanced standards covering description of the internal budget process, including the position responsible for preparation and maintenance of the budget. Budget requests by personnel in charge of major components are also included in the budget process. Additional advanced standards pertaining to requisition and purchasing procedures; accounting and auditing; and issuing, inventory, and control of agency property are also included in Chapter 17.
9. Chapter 21 – Classification and Delineation of Duties and Responsibilities contains additional standards related to written job analysis for every class of employee, a written classification plan that includes categorization of every job, the position management system, and the performance of workload assessments for all organizational components at least once every four years.
10. Chapter 22 – Personnel Management System provides several additional standards related to salary; leave; personnel support; employee appearance, clothing, and equipment; and employee assistance program. Bonding of all sworn employees and/or providing them with public safety liability protection is included in these advanced standards. Conditions of work standards are expanded to include physical examinations, fitness and wellness, and off-duty employment. The role of the agency in the collective bargaining process and ratification responsibilities are also included as advanced law enforcement standards. Standards related to coordination of the grievance process, recordkeeping, and the analysis of grievances is also included in this chapter.
11. Chapter 26 – Disciplinary Procedures contains several additional standards pertaining to the role and authority of supervisors, appeal procedures, termination procedures, designation of the position responsible for the internal affairs function, and making a compilation of annual statistical summaries of complaints and internal investigations available to the public and agency employees. This chapter includes advanced accreditation standards covering the types of complaints handled by supervisors, versus those requiring investigation by the internal affairs function. An advanced standard describes required notifications to complainants. Advanced accreditation standards in this chapter also describe conditions requiring an employee to submit to tests or provide financial statements. Circumstances when an employee is subject to being relieved from duty pending the outcome of an investigation and a “conclusion of fact’ determination for each misconduct investigation are also covered by advanced standards in this chapter. Procedures and criteria for recognizing exceptional performance are also included in these advanced standards.
12. Chapter 31 - Recruitment and Selection provides agencies several additional best practices related to participation in an agency recruitment program, including training of recruiters, annual analysis of the recruitment plan, and establishment of an Equal Opportunity Plan. Conducting the selection process in a professional and legal manner, including job announcements, notifications to applicants, medical examinations, the use of truth verification instruments, and training of background investigators are also covered in the advanced standards in this chapter. These standards include a requirement for all elements of the sworn employee selection process to use only job-related rating criteria or minimum qualifications. Other advanced standards in this chapter require the administration, scoring, evaluation, and interpretation of elements of the selection process be done uniformly within the classification. Advanced standards also require informing applicants for all positions of the selection process elements, duration of the selection process, and the reapplication policy for unsuccessful candidates.
13. Chapter 33 - Training and Career Development includes several additional standards related to lesson plan development, attendance requirements, training outside the agency, academy administration and operations, academy facilities, instructor training, shift briefing training, and accreditation manager training. Specialized training and the orientation, preservice, and continuing training for new non-sworn employees are also included in advanced law enforcement standards. Additionally, this chapter includes advanced law enforcement standards pertaining to career development and educational incentives.
14. Chapter 34 – Promotion contains advanced law enforcement standards requiring a detailed description of the promotional process, the job relatedness of all elements of the process, the ADVANCED LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCREDITATION criteria and procedures used to develop and use a promotional eligibility list (if used), and probationary periods (if any) for promoted personnel.
15. Chapter 35 – Performance Evaluation provides additional best practices for documentation of employee performance including an overview of the evaluation system. These advanced standards also cover evaluation criteria, components, documentation of unsatisfactory performance, employee consultation, and the rating of evaluators.
16. Chapter 40 – Crime Analysis and Intelligence includes advanced standards related to crime analysis procedures, data collection, dissemination of analysis findings, and briefing the CEO of patterns and trends. Intelligence-related advanced law enforcement standards define the function and delineates use of criminal justice and non-criminal justice sources. These advanced standards also require agencies collecting criminal intelligence to define analysis procedures, including identification of sources of collected information and dissemination of analysis findings.
17. Chapter 41 – Patrol contains advanced law enforcement standards pertaining to shift briefings, special purpose vehicles, police canines and other service animals, required operational emergency lights and siren, occupational safety restraints, authorized non-issued personal equipment, mobile data access(if used), and license plate recognition systems(if used).
18. Chapter 42 – Criminal Investigation provides additional best practices related to use of on-call investigators, case screening, responsibilities for conducting preliminary and follow-up investigations, and procedures for handling cases involving habitual/serious offenders. This chapter also includes advanced law enforcement standards covering communications with patrol personnel, investigative task forces, deception detection examinations, cold cases, line-ups, and show-ups.
19. Chapter 43 – Vice, Drugs, and Organized Crime includes advanced standards related to maintenance of records separate from the agency central records system; confidential funds provided for in the agency budget; and the authorization, distribution, and use of surveillance and undercover equipment.
20. Chapter 44 – Juvenile Operations contains advanced standards pertaining to agencies obtaining policy input from subject matter experts and other elements of the juvenile justice system. An annual review and evaluation of all enforcement and prevention programs relating to juveniles is required by a standard in this chapter. Community youth programs and school services programs are also covered by advanced law enforcement standards in the Juvenile Operations chapter.
21. Chapter 45 – Crime Prevention and Community Involvement includes advanced standards covering the development of problem-oriented or community policing strategies, organizing community groups with an interest in crime prevention, and crime prevention input in the development of zoning policies, building codes, fire codes, and building permits. Maintaining a community involvement process related to community concerns and conducting a survey of citizen attitudes and opinions every two years are also topics covered by the advanced standards in this chapter. A description of the volunteer program, volunteer training, authorized duties, and distinctive uniforms (if used) are also covered by advanced standards in Chapter 45.
22. Chapter 46 – Critical Incidents, Special Operations and Homeland Security provides advanced standards covering quarterly inspections to ensure readiness of equipment used in support of critical incidents, a system of personnel identification during civil disturbance situations, and crowd control response. Additional advanced standards included in this chapter addressed special operations, tactical team member selection, tactical team equipment, search and rescue, VIP security, event deconfliction, and homeland security awareness.
23. Chapter 53 – Inspectional Services contains additional best practices related to conducting line inspections and staff inspections, including inspections of personnel, facilities, equipment, practices, and processes.
24. Chapter 54 – Public Information includes advanced standards pertaining to media releases at incident scenes; media conferences; release of information about victims, witnesses, and suspects; media releases related to confidential investigations or operations; procedures for releasing information connected with joint investigations, operations, or mutual aid incidents; and use of social media. Other advanced standards in this chapter cover the involvement of media representatives in development of policy and procedure changes. Specialized training for public information officers is also covered by an advanced standard in Chapter 54.
25. Chapter 55 - Victim/Witness Assistance provides best practices associated with implementing and delivering or facilitating assistance services to victims and witnesses. Agencies may elect to complete a documented review of victim/witness assistance needs and available services at least once every two years as an “other than mandatory” standard. Assistance provided in threatening situations and next of kin notification are mandatory matters addressed in this chapter. Other advanced standards included in this chapter address initial assistance to victims/witnesses, rendered during preliminary investigations, provided during follow-up investigations, and upon the arrest of suspects.
26. Chapter 61 - Traffic contains advanced standards related to selective enforcement activities, enforcement practices, use of speed measuring devices, impaired driver enforcement, referrals for driver license reexamination, and parking enforcement. This chapter also contains advanced standards related to crash scene duties, crash investigation and reporting; school crossing guards; and distribution of traffic safety materials.
27. Chapter 70 - Detainee Transportation provides advanced standards covering transportation of detainees in vehicles without safety barriers; interruptions during detainee transportation; communications with detainees during transportation; procedures for transporting sick, injured, or disabled detainees; security and control of hospitalized detainees; and transporting detainees in special situations. Safety barriers for vehicles dedicated for detainee transportation and identification and documentation of detainees transported from one facility to another are also advanced accreditation topics covered by this chapter.
28. Chapter 71 - Processing and Temporary Detention contains an additional advanced accreditation standard pertaining to securing detainees to immovable objects. All other standards in this chapter are included in the Basic Law Enforcement Accreditation program.
29. Chapter 72 – Holding Facility includes advanced standards covering access of nonessential persons to holding facilities; minimum conditions for detainees; fire, heat/smoke detection systems; posted emergency evacuation plans and signage; monthly sanitation inspections with procedures for vermin and pest control; and detainee rights. This chapter also contains an additional 25 advanced law enforcement standards outlining best practices in security and control of detainees, detainee processing, detainee medical and health care services, and supervision of detainees.
30. Chapter 73 – Court Security provides additional standards beyond level one, pertaining to collaboration with court personnel to meet a variety of situations and conditions that may occur in court. Facilities, equipment, and plan/procedures based on a documented security survey are included as an advanced law enforcement standard. Standards pertaining to use of security equipment, restraints on persons in custody in a courtroom, and duress alarms are also contained in this chapter. A specific subsection pertaining to court-holding facilities contains 22 additional advanced standards in Chapter 73.
31. Chapter 74 - Legal Process includes advanced standards covering records of execution or attempted service of legal process documents, maintaining wanted and warrant files, service of civil process documents, execution of criminal process documents, and arrest warrants executed exclusively by sworn personnel.
32. Chapter 81 – Communications includes an advanced standard pertaining to written agreements for agencies utilizing shared or multijurisdictional facilities, including provisions for complying with all applicable CALEA standards. Other advanced standards covered regulatory licenses to conduct communications operations; access to local, state, and federal criminal justice information systems; alternative methods of communications; monitoring private security alarms; and use of multichannel mobile and/or portable radio equipment on joint public safety frequencies.
33. Chapter 82 – Central Records provides additional best practices pertaining to the use of records retention schedules and procedures for collecting and submitting crime data, established procedures to account for the status of reports, complaint control recording, and field reporting systems. Other advanced standards in this chapter pertain to distributing reports and records; receiving information by telephone, mail, Internet, or other emerging technology; maintaining master name index capabilities; and records systems that provide information relative to categories of activities, e.g., location, type of crime, etc. This chapter also contains advanced traffic records standards that include a system for retrieval of crash data, enforcement data, and roadway hazard data. Records maintained in operational components and identification numbers and criminal history files of persons placed under custodial arrest were additional topics covered by advanced accreditation standards in Chapter 82.
34. Chapter 83 – Collection and Preservation of Evidence consists of additional advanced standards related to photography, video, and audio evidence; fingerprinting, procedures for seizing electronic equipment; and collecting materials and substances from a known source for comparison with physical evidence collected at crime scenes.
35. Chapter 84 – Property and Evidence Control includes advanced law enforcement standards requiring final dispositions for items of evidence after legal requirements have been satisfied. Accountability and legal disposal of property acquired through civil process or asset forfeiture proceedings is also a topic of advanced standard in this chapter.
36. Chapter 91 – Campus Law Enforcement contains additional advanced law enforcement standards pertaining to out-of-agency budget expense accountability and responsibilities of personnel assigned to medical centers.